
Modernaires with Paula Kelly.
Known Members
Jimmy Blair
Ralph Brewster
Dick Cathcart
Bill Conway
Alan Copeland
Hal Dickinson
Johnny Drake
Chuck Goldstein
Jack Lathrop
Tommy Morgan
Fran Scott
Charlie Barnet
Glenn Miller
Ozzie Nelson
Ray Noble
Fred Waring
Paul Whiteman
Perhaps the best remembered swing era vocal group, the Modernaires are most-famously associated with Glenn Miller. The singing ensemble, however, got its start in the mid-1930s and performed with several name orchestras before joining Miller in 1941. Though they only worked for Miller during the last year-and-a-half of his orchestra’s four-year existence, the Modernaires became identified with Miller’s sound in such a way as to become inseparable from the bandleader’s legacy. After Miller’s tragic death in 1944, they parlayed the fame that this association brought them into a long and fruitful career that lasted multiple decades.[1]
The group went through several names before finally settling on their now famous moniker. Formed in Buffalo, New York, as a high school trio, original members Hal Dickinson, Chuck Goldstein[2], and Bill Conway[3] initially called themselves the “Don Juan Two and Three” and the Three Weary Willies. They also performed on local and national radio as the Blue Ribbon Boys before joining Ray Noble’s band. It was Noble who suggested the name Modernaires.[4] They also worked for Ozzie Nelson, who billed them as the Three Wizards of Ozzie.
In 1936, adding Jack Lathrop, the group expanded to a quartet to join Fred Waring’s radio program, where they formed part of V-8, a combined vocal ensemble with Bea and the Bachelors. In 1936 and early 1937, at the same time they were appearing on Waring’s program, they also sang and toured with Charlie Barnet and performed on the vaudeville theater circuit under their own name. In mid-1937, they recorded with George Hall’s orchestra. At some point, Lathrop was replaced by Ralph Brewster.
By April 1938, the Modernaires had joined Paul Whiteman, appearing on his radio show as well as touring and recording with the orchestra. According to Whiteman, at one point during their tour of the South in early 1938, the quartet was stopped at a Japanese beetle quarantine inspection station and when asked if they had any insect-bearing plants in their car they made a joke about having a lot of “jitterbugs” inside. They were then ordered to pull over so the officers could fumigate the vehicle. It apparently took a great deal of explanation to convince the officers what a jitterbug actually was.
While with Whiteman, the group also continued to perform on their own, appearing at the Hotel New Yorker in late 1939 and starting their own radio program that same year. They left Whiteman in April 1940 over monetary issues after the bandleader lost his radio sponsor and had to cut salaries. The four men quickly found work, hitting the club circuit, recording on Decca, and singing in the Broadway musical Walk with Music. Their radio program ran until January 1941.
Miller Years
The Modernaires initially began their association with Miller in late 1940, when they first entered the recording studio with the orchestra, though they continued performing under their own name as well. They didn’t join Miller’s band full-time until January 1941 when it left New York’s Hotel Pennsylvania and headed out on the road. All the Modernaires were also accomplished musicians and would often sit in with the band when needed.
During their time with Miller, it became standard for the band’s female singer to join the quartet on backing vocals, first with Dorothy Claire, who had taken Marion Hutton’s place in January 1941 when Hutton had left the band due to pregnancy, and then with Dickinson’s wife, Paula Kelly, who took Claire’s place in March. When Hutton returned in August, she continued vocalizing with the ensemble. None of the women were considered members of the group, however, as is often written.
After Miller disbanded in September 1942 to enter the service, Goldstein dropped out of the group, and the remaining three Modernaires initially planned to form a quartet with Hutton for radio work. Plans changed, however, and NBC tenor Jimmy Blair was hired as the new fourth Modernaire. The four men then joined both Hutton and fellow Miller bandmate Tex Beneke[5] on tour as a combined act called the Glenn Miller Singers. Blair left after only a month, and Johnny Drake was brought in from Jan Garber’s band to replace him. When Beneke left to join Horace Heidt’s band in December, Drake, who was also a sax player, took over his role. The combined act proved a huge success, appearing in one film, Crazy House, for Universal.[6]
When Hutton left the tour in August 1943, Kelly replaced her, becoming an adjunct member of the group, which toured and recorded as the “Modernaires with Paula Kelly,” though the four male members of the group also continued to perform and record without Kelly as just the “Modernaires.” The ensemble played one last engagement with Miller, via a three-way radio connection that included Hutton, on September 2, 1944. The broadcast was heard by soldiers in England and France. The group continued to use Miller’s name in promotion through the mid-1940s, performing many of the songs they sang while with the late leader’s band. They recorded on Columbia throughout the 1940s and into 1950, moving to Coral in 1951.
Later Years
The group’s line-up went through several changes during the 1940s and 1950s. Drake left the group at some point but rejoined in May 1946. Fran Scott joined in June 1946. Conway was out of the group by that same month, though sources don’t give an indication who replaced whom between Drake, Scott and Conway during that period. The line-up of Dickinson, Brewster, Scott and Drake remained intact until August 1948, when Jan Garber vocalist Alan Copeland replaced Brewster.[7] Copeland was still there as of late 1950 when the line-up was given as Dickinson, Scott, Drake and Copeland, however a mid-1951 photo shows the group’s members as Dickinson, Brewster, Scott and Drake again. The photo attribution to Brewster may have been an error, as a late 1951 birth announcement indicates that Copeland is still a Modernaire and an early 1954 photo list the members as Dickinson, Scott, Drake and Copeland again. Trumpet player and singer Dick Cathcart joined in early 1957, replacing Copeland, who went solo.
The Modernaires appeared in several films and musical shorts over the years, starting from as early as 1936. They also appeared on many radio and television programs, including a regular spot on Bob Crosby’s popular CBS daytime television show from 1953 to 1956.[8] The Modernaires continued performing long after many such groups from the big band era had faded into history. Kelly stayed with them until her retirement in 1978, replaced by her daughter. Dickinson was the only original member of the group to remain for the duration, appearing until his death in 1970. Their success lent itself to a willingness to adapt to changing musical tastes while at the same time celebrating their big band roots. A group bearing the Modernaires’ name continued performing into the 2000s.
The Modernaires’ history is shrouded in eighty years of publicity material, which is notoriously unreliable as a source if not completely dismissable. Sixty years of bad research based on that publicity material has muddied the waters even more. The information on this page was assembled from mostly contemporary sources and aims to be the best factual history of the group that it can. ↩︎
Goldstein may have gone by the last name Golden early on, or it may have simply been a mistake made by Billboard magazine. ↩︎
Conway was the group’s arranger. ↩︎
There was also a popular Canadian swing band with the same name during the late 1930s and early 1940s. ↩︎
Beneke had tried to enter the service but was denied due to color blindness ↩︎
Hutton was not a member of the group at that time time either. Promotional and booking material always referred to her and the group separately, with the men calling themselves by their oft used alternate name, the Four Modernaires. ↩︎
Brewster went on the sing with Russ Morgan’s band. ↩︎
The Modernaires had appeared on CBS radio with Crosby in the late 1940s as well. ↩︎
- Simon, George T. The Big Bands. 4th ed. New York: Schirmer, 1981.
- Walker, Leo. The Wonderful Era of the Great Dance Bands. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1972.
- “Swingers Play To Full House.” Billboard 30 May 1936: 5.
- “Night Club Reviews: Glen Island Casino, New Rochelle, N,Y.” Billboard 12 Sep. 1936: 18.
- “Orchestra Notes.” Billboard 16 Jan. 1937: 14.
- “Vaudeville Reviews: Metropolitan, Boston.” Billboard 27 Feb. 1937: 17.
- Spragge, John. “Minsky-Corsetoff Bid Adieu.” Down Beat Jun. 1937: 3.
- Advertisement. Billboard 30 Apr. 1938: 10.
- “Duce and Hitler Toasts on Air.” Spokane Daily Chronicle 6 May 1938: 11.
- Whiteman, Paul. “Going Great Guns!” Billboard 27 Aug. 1938: 14.
- “Band Leader Experiments With Music.” Ottawa Citizen 1 Oct. 1938: 28.
- Modernaires. “Here Are Tips For Aspiring Vocal Groups.” Down Beat Jul. 1939: 28.
- “Whiteman, Waring Bands to Be Heard for Chesterfield.” The Victoria Advocate [Victoria, Texas] 7 Sep. 1939: 2.
- “Routes.” Billboard 11 Nov. 1939: 56.
- Radio Schedule. The Pittsburgh Press 28 Nov. 1939: 22.
- “Routes.” Billboard 9 Dec. 1939: 56.
- “Night Club Reviews: Travelers Club, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.” Billboard 13 Apr. 1940: 28.
- “Modernaires Leave Paul Whiteman.” Down Beat 15 Apr. 1940: 1.
- “Review of Records.” Billboard 27 Apr. 1940: 28.
- Cohen, Harold W. “The Drama Desk.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 29 May 1940: 21.
- “Record Reviews.” Down Beat 1 Dec. 1940: 14.
- Radio Schedule. The Pittsburgh Press 21 Jan. 1941: 9.
- Flynn, Ed. “Teddy Wilson May Rejoin Goodman.” Down Beat 1 Feb. 1941: 3.
- “Night-Club Follow-Up Reviews.” Billboard 6 Dec. 1941: 21.
- “Orchestra Notes.” Billboard 26 Sep. 1942: 21.
- Carter, Dick. “Talent and Tunes on Music Machines.” Billboard 26 Sep. 1942: 67.
- “Men All Scatter As Miller Joins.” Down Beat 1 Oct. 1942: 4.
- “Night Clubs-Vaudeville: Oriental, Chicago.” Billboard 31 Oct. 1942: 17.
- “Modernaires Get New Lead.” Down Beat 1 Nov. 1942: 1.
- “Miller Singers Rebooked.” Billboard 12 Dec. 1942: 17.
- “Midnight Shows at All Downtown Houses Tomorrow.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 30 Dec. 1942: 9.
- “In Person! Marion Hutton and the Four Modernaires.” The Milwaukee Sentinel 13 Feb. 1943: A-5.
- “Beneke Comes And Goes With Horace Heidt.” Down Beat 15 Feb. 1943: 7.
- “Big 23 G for Ina Ray Hutton, Miller Singers in Chicago.” Billboard 20 Feb. 1943: 14.
- “Vaudeville Reviews: Roxy, New York.” Billboard 3 Apr. 1943: 14.
- “Orchestra Notes.” Billboard 3 Jul. 1943: 25.
- “Modernaires' Pic.” Down Beat 15 Jul. 1943: 11.
- Steinhauser, Si. “Opens Mouth Silently, Draws Breath and Pay.” The Pittsburgh Press 19 Aug. 1943: 31.
- “Miller, Crosby & Shore a GI Treat.” Billboard 16 Sep. 1944: 13.
- Lino, Al. “Remember April 1940?” St. Petersburg Times 22 Apr. 1945: 39.
- “Modernaires Sell In Old Miller Style.” Down Beat 1 May 1945: 3.
- “Modernaires On Air.” Down Beat 6 May 1946: 1.
- “Music City Meander.” Down Beat 6 May 1946: 7.
- “Everything Fit For A King.” Down Beat 3 Jun. 1946: 6.
- “Modernaires Sing With McKinley.” Down Beat 12 Aug. 1946: 2.
- “Modernaires Change Hotel Pierre Policy.” Down Beat 1 Jan. 1947: 2.
- “Trade Tattle.” Down Beat 22 Oct. 1947: 22.
- “Modernaires On Air.” Down Beat 18 Jun. 1946: 1.
- “Without Dusters, They Ride The Stanley Steamer.” Down Beat 10 Sep. 1947: 2.
- “Modernaires.” Billboard 24 Apr. 1948: 38-39.
- “On the Stand: Russ Morgan.” Billboard 25 Jun. 1949: 36.
- “On the Sunset Vine.” Down Beat 25 Aug. 1949: 9.
- “New Numbers.” Down Beat 2 Dec. 1949: 10.
- “Soundtrack Sittings.” Down Beat 1 Dec. 1950: 13.
- “Lawrence Welk, Modernaires Cut For Coral.” Down Beat 13 Jul. 1951: 14.
- “New Numbers.” Down Beat 14 Dec. 1951: 10.
- “Versatile Modernaires Have Varied Musical Backgrounds.” Wilmington Sunday Star 20 Sep. 1953: 12.
- Kelly, Paula. “Modernaires Find Video Hard Work But Worth It.” Down Beat 10 Mar. 1954: 21.
- “Strictly Ad Lib.” Down Beat 16 May 1957: 36.
- “Strictly Ad Lib.” Down Beat 30 May 1957: 36.
- “Music in Review.” Down Beat 3 Apr. 1958: 23.
- Wolf, William. “Like Mother, Like Daughter.” The Pittsburgh Press 14 May 1967: n. pag.
- “Artie Shaw Orchestra, Modernaires Have Stood the Test of Time.” Toledo Blade 8 Apr. 2005: D-7.